20 Months

Today is the 10th and that means that Mary is 20 months. In four months, she's going to be 2, ummm, yeah, no, not ready for that. It's going so fast and she is changing so much. Watch this video.

Sorry about the bad video skills on the kiss part. She didn't want to blow me a kiss but rather give me one.

She knows all her body parts for the most part and usually repeats them. She is in love with her Big Brother. If she is in a room and he comes in, she is yelling "Enry". If I show her new clothes, she gets pretty excited and goes "Whooooaaaaaaaaaaa, pretty." I pat myself on the back for that one. She is also in love with shoes. We get up and she has to put her shoes on, she even takes a bath with them on.

The cutest thing she does, when we say it's time for night night, she runs to the steps and sticks her head to the rails and puts her lips out. She waits for her Daddy to come over and kiss her. She then goes to the next spindle and waits for another kiss. I really need to get that on video.

Her favorite word and thing to eat is cheese. She runs to the fridge and tries to get it out herself. Her eating is still pretty good and she will eat anything you put in front of her but her she doesn't really like to sit and eat. She is always on the go and she never walks, just runs.

I think I might start her in dance in the winter. They have a Mommy and Me dance class and I'm pretty sure she will love it.

All in all she is doing great. We don't go back to the doctor until her 2nd Birthday but I'm pretty sure she is gaining and growing everyday. The Nardiello Family: 20 Months

The Nardiello Family

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

20 Months

Today is the 10th and that means that Mary is 20 months. In four months, she's going to be 2, ummm, yeah, no, not ready for that. It's going so fast and she is changing so much. Watch this video.

Sorry about the bad video skills on the kiss part. She didn't want to blow me a kiss but rather give me one.

She knows all her body parts for the most part and usually repeats them. She is in love with her Big Brother. If she is in a room and he comes in, she is yelling "Enry". If I show her new clothes, she gets pretty excited and goes "Whooooaaaaaaaaaaa, pretty." I pat myself on the back for that one. She is also in love with shoes. We get up and she has to put her shoes on, she even takes a bath with them on.

The cutest thing she does, when we say it's time for night night, she runs to the steps and sticks her head to the rails and puts her lips out. She waits for her Daddy to come over and kiss her. She then goes to the next spindle and waits for another kiss. I really need to get that on video.

Her favorite word and thing to eat is cheese. She runs to the fridge and tries to get it out herself. Her eating is still pretty good and she will eat anything you put in front of her but her she doesn't really like to sit and eat. She is always on the go and she never walks, just runs.

I think I might start her in dance in the winter. They have a Mommy and Me dance class and I'm pretty sure she will love it.

All in all she is doing great. We don't go back to the doctor until her 2nd Birthday but I'm pretty sure she is gaining and growing everyday.


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