14 Weeks and a Conversation about Santa

Today marks 14 weeks of this pregnancy. I have to say it is going by pretty quickly and with minimal discomfort so far.  I think this weekend, I am going to have to break down and get some maternity work pants and a pair of jeans. I'm pretty good on tops but the pants are just not really working.

The baby this week is the size of a lemon - growing, growing, growing! Right now, Baby N2 can suck his/her thumb and wiggle their toes.
Now onto Henry. The other day, he found his Christmas pop up book that I think we read from November to January last year. He was all about what was in the book. So, I started telling him about how Santa comes down the chimney and out the fireplace. His face was priceless....he turned looked at the fireplace and then looked at me, then looked back at the fireplace. Then I told him that Santa brings the good presents and that Nana and Grandfy would be here. I told him that we will make a list and send that to Santa when it is time. I also explained that Christmas is a long way away. He seemed pretty satisfied with our conversation.

Charlie walks in the door from work and Henry just runs up to him and says "We have to go into my playroom and make a list". Charlie is a little confused. Henry then went on to say we need presents and we have to make a list. I'm personally laughing. I tell Charlie that he is asking him to make a list for Santa. Charlie looks at me and says "Only you, would be making lists this early." He does have a point.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. I go and pick Henry up from school and when I get there, he says, "We have to go home, Grandfy is there, we need to open presents." OOOOPS - I explain to him that Grandfy is not at our house and Christmas is awhile away. So, we get home he looks at the fireplace and he says Santa.....I say Henry he is watching you. He looks at me, I said yes, he watches all the little boys and girls so when it is Christmas he can bring them gifts. About every minutes last night, Henry kept telling me that Santa was watching him.

I decide to use this at bedtime in my favor. We still have our bad nights of putting Henry to bed so, after books, I laid with him for a few minutes, got up and told him he had to stay in his bed because Santa was watching him. NOT ONE PEEP CAME FROM HIS ROOM!!!!!!!

We will see how long this lasts but certainly going to use this until Christmas if we will allow me! The Nardiello Family: 14 Weeks and a Conversation about Santa

The Nardiello Family

Friday, August 5, 2011

14 Weeks and a Conversation about Santa

Today marks 14 weeks of this pregnancy. I have to say it is going by pretty quickly and with minimal discomfort so far.  I think this weekend, I am going to have to break down and get some maternity work pants and a pair of jeans. I'm pretty good on tops but the pants are just not really working.

The baby this week is the size of a lemon - growing, growing, growing! Right now, Baby N2 can suck his/her thumb and wiggle their toes.

Now onto Henry. The other day, he found his Christmas pop up book that I think we read from November to January last year. He was all about what was in the book. So, I started telling him about how Santa comes down the chimney and out the fireplace. His face was priceless....he turned looked at the fireplace and then looked at me, then looked back at the fireplace. Then I told him that Santa brings the good presents and that Nana and Grandfy would be here. I told him that we will make a list and send that to Santa when it is time. I also explained that Christmas is a long way away. He seemed pretty satisfied with our conversation.

Charlie walks in the door from work and Henry just runs up to him and says "We have to go into my playroom and make a list". Charlie is a little confused. Henry then went on to say we need presents and we have to make a list. I'm personally laughing. I tell Charlie that he is asking him to make a list for Santa. Charlie looks at me and says "Only you, would be making lists this early." He does have a point.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon. I go and pick Henry up from school and when I get there, he says, "We have to go home, Grandfy is there, we need to open presents." OOOOPS - I explain to him that Grandfy is not at our house and Christmas is awhile away. So, we get home he looks at the fireplace and he says Santa.....I say Henry he is watching you. He looks at me, I said yes, he watches all the little boys and girls so when it is Christmas he can bring them gifts. About every minutes last night, Henry kept telling me that Santa was watching him.

I decide to use this at bedtime in my favor. We still have our bad nights of putting Henry to bed so, after books, I laid with him for a few minutes, got up and told him he had to stay in his bed because Santa was watching him. NOT ONE PEEP CAME FROM HIS ROOM!!!!!!!

We will see how long this lasts but certainly going to use this until Christmas if we will allow me!


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