I finally got up the strength to move Henry to a new daycare. For the past six months I have been driving to the old daycare and then either to the office or back home. The trip was an hour, round trip, and really starting to wear on me. Also, Charlie is unable to drop him off in the mornings because of the time he has to be in the office. It makes it difficult when we both have to be out of the house or in an emergency.
This was such a tough decision because Henry LOVES going there but between the miles on my car and the price of gas, it was time to move him.
The new daycare, is pretty much less then a mile. I could actuallly walk Henry there that is how close it is. My new round trip, 5 mins.
I do really love the new facility. It is set up on rotations and Henry will travel to different classrooms throughout the day. He will alwasy travel with his class, but he gets to go to other rooms. I really think this is going to help Henry develop a lot more. Henry is a very active child and playing all day is just not enought for him. I think this more of a "school" setting is going to help.
He startst the new daycare in two weeks. This is his last week at the old place and it made me sad this morning. Of course of all mornings, Henry ran in and gave his teacher a big hug! He really knows how to pull at my heart. We keep telling him about the new school and he keeps saying No, I need Miss Bethany. Then we tell him that Daddy can take and pick him up from the new school and he gets all excited.
I know there will be a transition period and it is going to suck but hopefully Henry will fit right in with his new school.