Bubble Bubble, Bubble Bubble Guppies......
OMG - have you seen this show? Henry is obsessed with it. He saw it advertised when he was watching Dora and kept asking for it. I was able to find it on demand but there are only two episodes. I think we have seen them both 100 times.
It is actually the only show Henry will sit on the couch and watch and not talk or move around for. In the mornings when he comes into our room and it is still early, I just put this on and he sits and watches it. What amazes me, is how they watch the same two episodes over and over and over again.
I finally found it this week and have recorded some new episodes. Saving grace for us, because I think have the other two melted into my brain.
The show is cute, I like to call it a new age Snorks. I say Snorks and Henry laughs. It is on Nickelodeon in the mornings most days. They sing and there is always some type of music involved. The colors are great and so are the stories for a 2 year old. I like that Henry can participate in the show and he likes to scream out the answers.
Bubble Bubble, Bubble Bubble Guppies!