Today was Mary's last day of her 2.5 year old pre school class. She had a great time and her teachers were so wonderful. Mary's class is actually the last class for both of her teachers, We wish them the best in their new adventures.
First Day of School.
Last Day of School.
I think she turned into a teenager this year, sigh.
While I am excited about our summer, there is one thing I'm sad about and that is my time with Henry. On Wednesday and Friday, Henry and I had our time together while Mary was at school and now that will be gone. I can't believe he will be in first grade, it's hitting me harder then Kindergarten.
Of course I am being all sentimental this morning with him and saying to him, we won't have our time or our Dunkin Donuts. His response, "Mom, we can just go get them on the weekend, no big deal." Gotta love a 6 year old telling you to stop being sentimental, lol. But, he's right, we can have other me and him time, it doesn't have to end.