I'm Watching You

Mary is pretty aware of her surroundings and it's pretty cool to see how alert she is.  She certainly knows our voices and will look for Charlie and I......BUT when she hears Henry her head almost spins around to find him.

It's amazing how much she looks for him and watches him when he is in the room. Charlie can come into a room and she won't so much bat an eyelash but a second later, brother walks in and bam, she wants to know what he is doing.

Look at these two pictures....

Yes, he is holding her ball, but I kid you not she stared at him and at that ball for the few minutes he laid next to her. She was giggling and cooing at him too. As soon as he got off the couch she followed him with her eyes to the other part of the room.

She only does this for him. He doesn't know that she is watching him but I love it. I feel like they already have a sibling connection.

Poor brother though, in a few months she will be following him not only with her eyes but crawling and taking his toys. I'm not sure Henry is ready for that, so it should be interesting. The Nardiello Family: I'm Watching You

The Nardiello Family

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm Watching You

Mary is pretty aware of her surroundings and it's pretty cool to see how alert she is.  She certainly knows our voices and will look for Charlie and I......BUT when she hears Henry her head almost spins around to find him.

It's amazing how much she looks for him and watches him when he is in the room. Charlie can come into a room and she won't so much bat an eyelash but a second later, brother walks in and bam, she wants to know what he is doing.

Look at these two pictures....

Yes, he is holding her ball, but I kid you not she stared at him and at that ball for the few minutes he laid next to her. She was giggling and cooing at him too. As soon as he got off the couch she followed him with her eyes to the other part of the room.

She only does this for him. He doesn't know that she is watching him but I love it. I feel like they already have a sibling connection.

Poor brother though, in a few months she will be following him not only with her eyes but crawling and taking his toys. I'm not sure Henry is ready for that, so it should be interesting.


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