Apparently, I'm an odd ball. The fact that I am giddy about our family coming to visit this weekend makes me strange?
I was at the grocery store this morning before work. I think in the future I will be doing this more often - no child and no line - pure heaven. Anyway, I was looking for our Easter ham, they had nothing larger then 8lbs - I need 10lbs. I ask the guy behind the counter, he says that is all we have. He was shocked that I needed a larger one. I explained to him, I have 12 people for dinner and they like to eat. His look was like why would anyone have that many people for dinner? My look was, why not?
I LOVE having a full house. There is nothing like sitting around with family....talking, laughing, drinking wine and eating. In this visit from family...Steve and Charlie will crack jokes, Nadine and I will have tears coming down our face from laughing, Julia and Henry will be doing what they do and Mom will be taking it all in. We are adding Baby Alexa and she will do what she does best, looking cute! How could you not want all this?????
To me if your family is not also your friend then what fun is it. These are our best friends and we can't get rid of them ;) Yeah there are times we probably all want to kill each other but that is what makes such great dynamics.
This weekend is going to be a total blast and I am going to be so sad on Sunday when the house is empty again!