Today is Henry's 16 month Birthday - wooo hoooo!
He started his day in a great way...we went to school this morning and he was hanging out with his teacher and she told him to say Bye to the dad that was dropping off and HE DID IT! I could not see him because I was on the other side. Now it is my turn to leave and he is being a little stinker. His teacher is saying, Henry say good bye to Mommy and he is giggling and giving me the Nardiello eyebrow raise. Finally after shoving five goldfish in his mouth, he raises his hand and says "Bye". I about cried. He said something and meant it, I was so proud!
Tonight he is spending the night over at Grandpa and Gayle's house. He will have a blase like he always does. Charlie and I will be headed out for our Anniversary dinner and then some drinks after.
Happy Friday!