On Friday we went to see Dr. Bill for Henry's Six month check up. He weighed in a little over 15 lbs, we finally made the 20% for weight! Usually he is only in the 10% - 15% range. He is 26 1/4 inches long and his head measured about 17 1/4, both of those stats are in the 50%. Dr. Bill said Henry looked great and that he would see us in the Fall.
Finally for some fun. This afternoon we went to the pool by our house. I think we were there a total of 20 minutes. Probably the fastest trip I have ever made to the pool. We put Henry in the big pool with Charlie and he was not a fan. So, we headed over to the baby pool. He was still a little hesitant but after a few minutes he warmed up to the water and his float. Here are some pictures of the little ham in his raft.